I heard that first step to solve a problem is realizing you have one. It took me a while to get there. In the routine of everyday life there is always something more important, more urgent. Investing time in reworking things – especially things you’d like to leave behind you – is never an easy decision. But once you make it, you are already over the hump and things start to fall into place..
Taming the monster
The main problem with this query was that it was simply too complex (are you getting it? 😉) and it made it hard for the code maintainer to understand what’s going on there. As a result, making any change to the code was daunting experience.. It also made it hard for EF to optimize it and it was resulting in poor processing time.. It was clear that the query needed to be split into several more managable chunks whiches results would be merged later. I decided to separate out all the 1-to-many properties into individual queries and to run them all simultaneously with the main query. So first of all I removed all the subqueries from the main query so that it was fetching only Processes :
private async Task<List<Process>> FetchProcessesWithoutGroupings(int TenantId, DateTime dFrom, DateTime dTo, bool? givenTime = null, bool? finishRate = null, bool? handlingsLength = null)
Task<List<Process>> itemsQuery;
itemsQuery = (from p in db.JDE_Processes
join uuu in db.JDE_Users on p.FinishedBy equals uuu.UserId into finished
from fin in finished.DefaultIfEmpty()
join t in db.JDE_Tenants on p.TenantId equals t.TenantId
join u in db.JDE_Users on p.CreatedBy equals u.UserId
join at in db.JDE_ActionTypes on p.ActionTypeId equals at.ActionTypeId
join uu in db.JDE_Users on p.StartedBy equals uu.UserId into started
from star in started.DefaultIfEmpty()
join lsu in db.JDE_Users on p.LastStatusBy equals lsu.UserId into lastStatus
from lStat in lastStatus.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pl in db.JDE_Places on p.PlaceId equals pl.PlaceId into places
from pla in places.DefaultIfEmpty()
join comp in db.JDE_Components on p.ComponentId equals comp.ComponentId into comps
from components in comps.DefaultIfEmpty()
join s in db.JDE_Sets on pla.SetId equals s.SetId into sets
from set in sets.DefaultIfEmpty()
join a in db.JDE_Areas on pla.AreaId equals a.AreaId into areas
from area in areas.DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.TenantId == TenantId && p.CreatedOn >= dFrom && p.CreatedOn <= dTo
orderby p.CreatedOn descending
select new Process
ProcessId = p.ProcessId,
Description = p.Description,
StartedOn = p.StartedOn,
StartedBy = p.StartedBy,
StartedByName = star.Name + " " + star.Surname,
FinishedOn = p.FinishedOn,
FinishedBy = p.FinishedBy,
FinishedByName = fin.Name + " " + fin.Surname,
ActionTypeId = p.ActionTypeId,
ActionTypeName = at.Name,
IsActive = p.IsActive,
IsFrozen = p.IsFrozen,
IsCompleted = p.IsCompleted,
IsSuccessfull = p.IsSuccessfull,
PlaceId = p.PlaceId,
PlaceName = pla.Name,
PlaceImage = pla.Image,
SetId = pla.SetId,
SetName = set.Name,
AreaId = pla.AreaId,
AreaName = area.Name,
Output = p.Output,
TenantId = p.TenantId,
TenantName = t.TenantName,
CreatedOn = p.CreatedOn,
CreatedBy = p.CreatedBy,
CreatedByName = u.Name + " " + u.Surname,
MesId = p.MesId,
InitialDiagnosis = p.InitialDiagnosis,
RepairActions = p.RepairActions,
Reason = p.Reason,
MesDate = p.MesDate,
Comment = p.Comment,
ComponentId = p.ComponentId,
ComponentName = components.Name,
PlannedStart = p.PlannedStart,
PlannedFinish = p.PlannedFinish,
LastStatus = (ProcessStatus)p.LastStatus,
LastStatusBy = p.LastStatusBy,
LastStatusByName = lStat.Name + " " + lStat.Surname,
LastStatusOn = p.LastStatusOn,
IsResurrected = p.IsResurrected,
HasAttachments = db.JDE_FileAssigns.Any(f => f.ProcessId == p.ProcessId),
}).ToListAsync(); ;
catch (Exception ex)
return await itemsQuery;
Then I created async fetching methods for Handlings, AssignedUsers, GivenTime and AbandonReasons.
private async Task<List<Process>> FetchHandlings()
using (Models.DbModel _db = new Models.DbModel())
var items = _db.JDE_Handlings.Where(x => x.ProcessId > 0 && x.ProcessId !=null).Select(h => new
ProcessId = h.ProcessId,
HandlingId = h.HandlingId,
IsCompleted = h.IsCompleted,
StartedOn = h.StartedOn,
FinishedOn = h.FinishedOn
}).GroupBy(pa => new { pa.ProcessId }).Select(pr => new Process
ProcessId = (int)pr.Key.ProcessId,
OpenHandlings = pr.Count(item=>item.HandlingId > 0 && item.IsCompleted != true),
AllHandlings = pr.Count(item=>item.HandlingId > 0),
HandlingsLength = (from has in pr
where has.ProcessId == pr.Key.ProcessId
select has.FinishedOn == null ? System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlFunctions.DateDiff("n", has.StartedOn, has.FinishedOn).Value : System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlFunctions.DateDiff("n", has.StartedOn, has.FinishedOn).Value).Sum(),
return await items;
private async Task<List<ProcessAssign>> FetchProcessAssigns()
using (Models.DbModel _db = new Models.DbModel())
var items = (from pras in _db.JDE_ProcessAssigns
join uu in _db.JDE_Users on pras.UserId equals uu.UserId
select new ProcessAssign
ProcessAssignId = pras.ProcessAssignId,
ProcessId = pras.ProcessId,
UserId = pras.UserId,
UserName = uu.Name + " " + uu.Surname
return await items;
private async Task<List<Process>> FetchGivenTimes()
using (Models.DbModel _db = new Models.DbModel())
var items = (from prac in _db.JDE_ProcessActions
join a in _db.JDE_Actions on prac.ActionId equals a.ActionId
where a.GivenTime != null
select new Process
ProcessId = (int)prac.ProcessId,
GivenTime = a.GivenTime
return await items;
private async Task<List<ProcessActionAbandonReason>> FetchAbandonReasons()
using (Models.DbModel _db = new Models.DbModel())
var items = (from pas in _db.JDE_ProcessActions
join ars in _db.JDE_AbandonReasons on pas.AbandonReasonId equals ars.AbandonReasonId into ar
from reasons in ar.DefaultIfEmpty()
where pas.AbandonReasonId != null
select new ProcessActionAbandonReason
ProcessId = (int)pas.ProcessId,
AbandonReasonId = pas.AbandonReasonId,
AbandonReasonName = reasons.Name
return await items;
Jigsaw falling into place
Ok, so we have few short, easy-to-read and easy-to-optimize subquerries that are fetching all the pieces our master query needs to compose the response. The idea is to execute them all together in the same time asynchronously and await their completion with Task.WhenAll:
var tasks = new List<Task>();
var processesTask = FetchProcessesWithoutGroupings(tenants.FirstOrDefault().TenantId, (DateTime)dFrom, (DateTime)dTo, GivenTime, FinishRate, handlingsLength);
var handlingsTask = FetchHandlings();
//Set up AbandonReasons fetching
Task<List<ProcessActionAbandonReason>> abandonsTask = GetAbandonReasons();
//Set up AssignedUsers fetching
Task<List<ProcessAssign>> assignedUsersTask = GetProcessAssigns();
//Set up GivenTimes fetching
Task<List<Process>> givenTimesTask = GetGivenTimes();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
var items = await processesTask;
var handlings = await handlingsTask;
var abandons = await abandonsTask;
var assigns = await assignedUsersTask;
var givenTimes = await givenTimesTask;
When all data is loaded to appropriate lists, all that left is glueing them back together:
var processes = from process in items
join handling in handlings on process.ProcessId equals handling.ProcessId into Handlings
from handling in Handlings.DefaultIfEmpty()
join abandon in abandons on process.ProcessId equals abandon.ProcessId into ProcessAbandons
join assign in assigns on process.ProcessId equals assign.ProcessId into ProcessAssigns
join givenTime in givenTimes on process.ProcessId equals givenTime.ProcessId into GivenTimes
select new Process
ProcessId = process.ProcessId,
Description = process.Description,
StartedOn = process.StartedOn,
StartedBy = process.StartedBy,
StartedByName = process.StartedByName,
FinishedOn = process.FinishedOn,
FinishedBy = process.FinishedBy,
FinishedByName = process.FinishedByName,
ActionTypeId = process.ActionTypeId,
ActionTypeName = process.ActionTypeName,
IsActive = process.IsActive,
IsFrozen = process.IsFrozen,
IsCompleted = process.IsCompleted,
IsSuccessfull = process.IsSuccessfull,
PlaceId = process.PlaceId,
PlaceName = process.PlaceName ?? "",
PlaceImage = process.PlaceImage ?? "",
SetId = process.SetId,
SetName = process.SetName ?? "",
AreaId = process.AreaId,
AreaName = process.AreaName ?? "",
Output = process.Output ?? "",
TenantId = process.TenantId,
TenantName = process.TenantName,
CreatedOn = process.CreatedOn,
CreatedBy = process.CreatedBy,
CreatedByName = process.CreatedByName,
MesId = process.MesId,
InitialDiagnosis = process.InitialDiagnosis ?? "",
RepairActions = process.RepairActions ?? "",
Reason = process.Reason ?? "",
MesDate = process.MesDate,
Comment = process.Comment ?? "",
ComponentId = process.ComponentId,
ComponentName = process.ComponentName,
PlannedStart = process.PlannedStart,
PlannedFinish = process.PlannedFinish,
LastStatus = process.LastStatus,
LastStatusBy = process.LastStatusBy,
LastStatusByName = process.LastStatusByName,
LastStatusOn = process.LastStatusOn,
IsResurrected = process.IsResurrected,
OpenHandlings = handling == null ? 0 : handling.OpenHandlings,
AllHandlings = handling == null ? 0 : handling.AllHandlings,
AssignedUsers = ProcessAssigns.Select(x => x.UserName).AsQueryable(),
GivenTime = GivenTimes.Sum(x => x.GivenTime) == 0 ? null : GivenTimes.Sum(x => x.GivenTime),
HasAttachments = process.HasAttachments,
HandlingsLength = handling == null ? null : handling.HandlingsLength,
AbandonReasons = ProcessAbandons.Select(x => x.AbandonReasonName).AsQueryable(),
AbandonReasonNames = string.Join(",", ProcessAbandons.Select(x => x.AbandonReasonName))
So, the first goal – making the query more readable and easier to maintain – has been accomplished. More important, though, is how it impacts processing time of our query. Is it at least equally fast? I’m going to do a small benchmark of both old and new queries and I’ll post my findings in 3rd part of this aricle – stay tuned! 😉